Coffee & A Letter for My 2024 Seniors
To my dear Seniors of 2024,
My coffee addiction might be a running joke in my classroom, but in truth, I do it all for you! I drink coffee because I am NOT a morning person, (haha, many of you share my sentiments!). But I chose a profession where I have to get up and be ready to pour into others at an hour my body and heart deem ungodly. So, I drink a cup (or more!) every morning and often in class along with you.
I hope you have enjoyed the stories and the coffee and beverage station (shout out to those who donate to my classroom!). And, more than that, I hope you have seen a glimpse of my faith in God and my hope for each of you while you’ve spent time with me. You are a treasure, and I am richly blessed to have had each of you in my room!
A poem I wrote to celebrate you all this year:
A Cup of Coffee for You
The dark brew swirls in my mug,
But it is you I notice.
You, my students who awaken the world,
Tread boldly into the future
With God’s love to soften the journey
Like cream smooths the bitter edge
Of the roasted drink.
The intonation of Prufrock reminds me:
“I have measured out my life in coffee spoons.”
But this monotony is one of hope.
Each day I make a cup, or two…
Stir coffee with a spoon and then lay it aside.
A daily rhythm paired with Scripture
To prepare to come teach you.
So, we read together, coffee, tea, hot cocoa
On tables, in hands, sipping,
Warming our hearts, reading,
Drinking up the tales, the poetry,
Drama, novels, and discussions,
Seeking out the truth—God’s truth—
The Trojan Horse in all story.
And your story is just beginning;
Grab a cup, pour into the Word
And step into the next chapter.
Congrats class of 2024!
Love Always,
Your teacher, Mrs. Frankovic