Realm Makers 2024 Takeaways

Well, that’s a wrap. It’s almost the end of July, and I have experienced one of the most emotional Julys of my life and certainly the most emotional writing conference to date. Realm Makers is the premier writers conference for speculative fiction writers of faith, and the quality and talent it draws is unparalleled.


This year was my third year attending, second in person, and while I am the furthest along in my writer’s journey than I have ever been, I also felt the most vulnerable and unprepared. After a few days to reflect, here are my final takeaways from the Realm Makers 2024 Writers Conference…

📕 God always knows more than I do (duh, right?). But, seriously, how often do we function outside of this premise? He is the Creator! Why would I not constantly seek his perspective on my creative writing?

📚 Sometimes we are looking for an opportunity when really we should be looking at is the person in front of us. God works through relationship. The beautiful encounters with friends old and new at this conference were what made the weekend so special, not any agent requests or other miracle door or opportunity.

📕 Creating with God is the only way to create—at least the only way I want to create. I can’t wait to share this perspective with my students.

📚 God’s timing is perfect. I felt like I didn’t have enough time leading up to this conference. I worried I had squandered the time God gave me. I was reminded that I have to believe that God can redeem time. And I need to rest in his timing not mind.

📖 So, what next? For now, I’m still writing! I am leaving this conference with no specific directions for my manuscripts or my writing path, except that the path needs to be God’s. Waiting, Walking and writing with God for now.


Lastly, “thank you”s are in order: Thank you to Allen Arnold’s keynote and continuing sessions and books. Thank you to Realm Makers for your faithfulness in putting forth such an exemplary conference and quality speakers. Thank you, Laura Johnson, for being such a wonderful writing friend and roommate and for all your prayers and encouragement. Thank you, Melody Faith, for your kindness, poetry, and prayers. Thank you, Amanda Wright, for your friendship, encouragement, and testimony as a writer. Thank you, S.D. Grimm, for kind feedback and words. I can’t wait to read more of your work! Thank you, A.J. Skelly, for the hugs and goodies for my kiddos! Thank you, Samantha Ortiz, for our talk and prayer in the hall, and Daniel Lewczuk and Kevin King and so many more people who listened to and encouraged me! I hope I was able to do a little of the same for you all! 


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